Swinging with the wheelchair
accessible glider swing
participant group: This activity is for participants who are in wheel chairs.
potential of this activity: Swinging on the glider swing is therapeutic because
it gives participants the opportunity to get outdoors an feel the fresh breeze
as they swing.
other groups may benefit from this activity? Anyone can benefit because the
glider swing has an accessible side for wheel chairs and bench on the other
side for a facilitator or friend to help pump the swing.
groups may not be as appropriate for this activity? Like I stated earlier, the
glider swing can be appropriate for anyone who would like to use it.
description: The glider swing has a ramp that cranks down and up that allows
for a wheelchair to have safe an easy access to the swing. Once the wheelchair has
gone up the ramp a facilitator or friend will lock the wheelchairs break and
crank the ramp up which now serves as a back to make the swing more secure. The
facilitator will then remove the swing breaks. After that they can hop on and
rock back and forth to get the swing moving.
needed: You will need a glider swing and an area to put it.
Best leadership
style for this activity: The best leadership style I to help the participant
get on and off of the swing and also to help them move of instruct their friend
as to how to make the swing move.
did you find this activity? We use this swing at Central Wisconsin Center.